Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Be the first in the world to......

.........get your hands on this AMAZING FABRIC!!!!
Saffron Craig is having a GIVEAWAY on her blog HERE, You can enter and win THIS!!
Saffron Craig's new Magical Lands is on it's way to Australia, The range consists of six designs and it's a mix of her favourite fabrics including a new version of her Dandelions, delicate but still with a bold natural feeling to it.
The amazing pinks and oranges with a touch of yellow in the Magical Lands are so festive yet so much fun and definitely a bit different from what else is out there.
Saffron is offering a generous giveaway but you only have until Friday night to enter. You could be the first in the world to win this bundle of fabric.
I cant wait for it to arrive it has got my creative juices flowing.
Quick, Pop over to Saffron's blog HERE to enter.


  1. Beautiful fabric!! Thanks for sharing about the giveaway.

  2. Thanks for sharing, they do look gorgeous!

  3. Dear Rebecca, I hope you are fine! Thank you for telling about this great giveaway! Just amazing, beautiful fabrics - I would love to win! xxx Teje

  4. I entered straight away. This is my fav of her work so far. LOVE the reds.

  5. I know! I saw this yesterday!! I LOVE it. I have magical lands in the first colorway and adore her dandelions. Well I ADORE all of her fabric!!

  6. so glad to hear you're up and about - hope you enjoy the next few weeks that will go quicker than you can say christmas :)

  7. am I too late to win??? I love winning stuff magic number pick me!! Malinda Kanongata'a


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