It's lucky i have the cutest baby in the world....
because I had forgotten how hard it is having a newborn.... although i think now i've forgotten what its like to have more than a few hours sleep. I used to have so much energy and extra time. For those of you who don't seem to have bad memory like me, do you remember how your days run into each other??
I feed.. then burp.. feed some more.. play a little. I settle.. he falls asleep.. wakes up shortly after.... with wide eyes as if hes been asleep for hours.. i try and settle again. He doesn't want to go back to sleep and i realise... Ahh yep its been 3-4 hrs.. time to feed AGAIN!!
Yep I'm tired and it's constant.... but i am loving every minute of it.
I love being busy with a new baby. It doesn't leave me much time to do all the things i used to... like sewing, taking pictures, and blogging... Not to mention keeping up with the other kiddies and doing the cleaning and washing jobs... YUCK!! I realised today its been nearly been a MONTH.. since i last blogged. WOW where did that go?? So, when i was out and about today, carrying Kobe around in the baby sling i made, i realised I hadn't even shown you one of my most favouritest things... My baby sling!!! So standing in the middle of a car park, i got mum to take a few quick pics on her phone so i could show you.
The front...
and the back...
I just love it.
Is it because i get to carry around a baby with out him breaking my arms?? Or is it because he snuggles in at the perfect height?
Or is it because its made with Anna Maria Horners amazing Velveteen?? mmmm i think that's it!.... Its so soft. So warm. So glamorous.
I have been dying to make a baby sling ever since i bought the book
To make the sling you need a piece of deco weight fabric 23 1/2" x 60". I used two pieces of the velveteen so it could be lined. I had originally bought the fabric to make a baby bag... but this was a WAY better idea! I also made a linen one and mum even made herself one.
I would like a few tips on how to carry him in it. I usually just pop him in. Different directions depending on if hes awake or wants to sleep or snuggle. I don't really know the "correct" way to carry him in it.. so let me know if you have any tips for me??
There you have it. My Baby sling.. What a great gift hey, you HAVE to make one!! If not for yourself, definitely for a sister or friend. xx