I guess from the introduction you can tell this blog post is not from Bec..... Hi its her husband Trav and I've decided without her knowledge to do a blog post for her as she has been unable to herself and is consistently worried about neglecting her online friends.
As you may or may not know Becci is 8 weeks pregnant and we are full of excitement, trepidation, gratitude and faith. It is for this very reason that she has not been able to blog as she has been very ill with morning sickness. Now traditionally most women suffer from some form of nausea during pregnancy. So when someone says to me " How's Bec?" and I say "She's pretty sick with morning sickness" I always get a response like:
"Oh yeah I remember what that was like for me, I used to feel sick in the mornings when I was on my way to work, or the gym, out at the shops or doing the washing it was so annoying."
Well I thought I'd take the opportunity to set the record straight and whinge on Bec's behalf. This is no normal morning sickness. I would imagine that maybe only 10% of women who get pregnant actually feel this sick. And I like to think since this is the fourth time around I'm a bit of an expert in determining the difference between morning sickness and what I call:
"24/7 - 24 week - Throw up Marathon"
If you can answer yes to the following 11 questions you might graduate for this exclusive club:
1. Does your nausea last all day and no matter what you take it can never be suppressed??
2. During the night is your nausea and the need to throw up waiting for as soon as you wake up like a stalker who's been watching you sleep??
3. Do you throw up at least once every hour while you're awake??
4. Do you continually crave Carbs even though the natropath you're trying this time around forbids you from eating them and prescribes everything that makes you gag to be a part of your daily diet??
5. Does motion of any kind ( Even rolling from one side to the other in bed or on the lounge because you're numb ) intensify your nausea 10 fold.
6. Have you ever answered a knock at the door to a dear friend and found yourself Standing, leaning, sliding down the door frame and then laying on the floor to keep the nausea at bay while you talk because otherwise you'll throw up on the front door mat??
7. A Continuation of question 6...... Does having your body at an angle greater than 45 degrees cause you to throw up??
8. Do you have to eat at exact the right time to appease the ravenous crazy beast that is your stomach otherwise it turns on you and no matter what you eat after you've missed your window of opportunity is literally thrown back immediately??
9. Has the only exercise you've had over a period of three weeks been walking to the shower once a day??
10. Have you ever been stuck at home for a period longer than 3 weeks??
11. When someone says to you 4 year old daughter "What did mummy do today?" Did she respond in this manner?? "Mummy just lays really still all day and moans: I'M SOOO SICK!!
If you were able to answer these questions affirmatively then you qualify ..........
Basically the real distinction between morning sickness and what Bec gets is that if you can manage to do all the things you'd normally do and just feel a little off then it's morning sickness.
If you find yourself completely debilitated and your life as you know it ceases for a period of nearly 6 months like a cruel time warp..... Then you'll know how Becci feels.
Seriously though hang in there for her. After the first month hits like a ton of bricks she can normally adjust and muster up the strength to get back to some of the things she loves.
Ahhhh.......The natural process of pregnancy and child birth.......
Not long now girls....... I'm sure you'll hear from her soon.
PS..... On a side note. I've attempted in my new role as temporary mum to keep the house as well kept and orderly as it normally is........ the work NEVER stops!!!!!
I've been constantly cooking and cleaning and washing amidst working and then I wake up and it's all dirty again and everyone's hungry again. I have a HUGE appreciation for the work that mothers do. Any husband who thinks he makes up more than the 50% of the workload in his marriage should do there job for a week......... It'll set him straight.

Poor Bec! And wonderful Trav for stepping in. I wish all husbands COULD experience what a load it is to have charge of the household. Praying for you all.
ReplyDeleteHang in there, Trav. I'm sure you're doing a great job! Hope Bec is feeling better soon.
ReplyDeleteUgh so sorry Bec!! I'm a member of the same club and its not a fun one to be in. Im so glad that you have a great husband to help! I'll be thinking of you and hoping that it passes. :)
ReplyDeleteWhat a good hubby for filling in for you...and Bec, I really hope you are feeling great soon! Many hugs!
ReplyDeleteI feel for her, I was like that for 7 months! I ate so many saltine crackers I thought I would become one. We slept with them, went to the toilet with them, had them on every flat surface there was in the car you name it. When I woke up I had to start shoveling in the saltines without moving. Then I had to move an inch at a time, wondering if it was coming again. We learned to leave the toilet seat up at all times, and I got really good at hitting the toilet bowl from the doorway too., God bless her heart, I DO know what she is going through. It almost made me not want to have any more kids, as this was the first. But the second time around, no sickness whatsoever! Good Luck to you, try feeding her saltines, non stop so she doesn't even have to move her arm. It helped me, maybe it will help her too. Oh, and stay away from MSG, it makes everything even worse.
ReplyDeleteOh my.. I will be praying for this to pass quickly. Thanks for letting us know and good job Dad/Travis keeping the house running till Bec feels better. Blessings,
Oh, poor thing. That sounds just horrible!! I will keep her (and you!) in my thoughts and prayers. Congratulations!
ReplyDeletePoor Bec! I was only able to answer yes to a few of those questions, but my niece had it just as bad so I feel for Bec! Keep up the good work, Trav!
ReplyDeleteNumber 1 - Congratulations to both of you, it's wonderful news!
ReplyDeleteNumber 2 - I'm so sorry you have a nausea marathon to get through, what a trooper you are fourth time around. I can't imagine what it would be like, but if it is anything like non-stop sea sickness then that is my worst nightmare. Hang in there amazing woman. I hope the new diet helps you this time x
Number 3 - I'm so glad you've got such a great husband to care for you.
Love Carli x
Great post, Trav. We're keeping Bec and your whole family in our thoughts. The very best to all of you!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on the upcoming member of your family! So sorry it is a rough road to get there ..but so so worth it in the end! Good luck
ReplyDeletePoor Bec. My sister-in-law is currently enduring this rough passage to motherhood. I hope Bec soon feels much better. Good on you, Trav, for stepping up!
ReplyDeleteFirst off, Congratulations! I am so sorry Bec has been truly horribly sick :( I am sure she'll still have loads of readers eagerly waiting to see her talents again...when she is good and ready!
ReplyDeleteHang in there both of you...it's a rough road even together. Much love to you!
A friend was like this - I thankfully missed out on serious morning sickness - the tail end of my pregnancies were awful.
ReplyDeleteBut she described it as food poisoning gone wrong! You know it will happen no matter what and your children will be pulling your hair out of the toilet and stroking your back - role reversal anyone.
Hope you are feeling better soon and congratulations!!!!
Congrats on the new addition. I had a friend who had sickness this bad--had to be hospitalized b/c she was so dehydrated. I'm sorry to hear Bec is so sick. I hope it passes quickly. She is truly blessed to have such a wonderful husband!
ReplyDeleteoh, i feel your pain! with my 3rd child, i didn't stop throwing up until 2 weeks AFTER she was born!!! crazy hormones! i do hope it lets up soon.. hugs!
ReplyDeleteI have only known one other woman who was actually allergic to her body being pregnant. She was out of commission for the whole 9 months and had to have an IV to keep her and the baby alive! What a great sacrifice to bring a new baby to your family. You can do it with the help of God and angels!
ReplyDeletePoor thing! I hope she feels better... or at least functional... soon. Congratulations on the bun-in-the-oven!
ReplyDeleteOh, my! I hope she feels better soon! She's a lucky woman to have a hubby who is so caring - thanks for the update.
ReplyDeleteMy sister has the same type of sickness and it lasts about 4 months the medication barely helps (but not really) in the end it's worth it but a miserable time for now. Hang in there Bec!! Thank you for the update Trav it's really appreciated and you hang in there too!
Congratulations!! I am about that far along myself (just a week shy of you) and I get a fair amount of nausea, but not quite so debilitating as you. I hope you'll be able to stay healthy as you progress, and we'll just keep our eyes on the prize:)
ReplyDeleteSending you positive thoughts that the morning sickness will pass soon! Good luck!
ReplyDeleteOh feel better soon, I know exactly how you are feeling, because yes, I have the exact same thing and am currently 25 weeks pregnant, so basically I think at this point I should hold the world record for vomiting! Congratulations and yes, it is all worth it in the end, as I am sure you both know, otherwise why in the world would you repeat this process! Feel better!
ReplyDeleteBless her heart! I hope and pray she will soon be feeling well again and can enjoy the rest of the pregnancy. You are a good husband to take care of things while she is unable and to appreciate all the work a mother does. Tell her not to worry about her blogging friends...we'll all be here when she feels better.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations but poor Bec! At least she has a wonderful husband like you to help her through it and even BLOG on her behalf! Tell her not to worry, just concentrate on feeling better and we will be here when she feels well enough to return.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! On the baby, not the sickness. It takes real faith to open yourself up to such sickness and possible grief again. You are both amazing!! It makes me think much more than twice when I realize that getting pregnant will mean 3 months of feeling car sick, much less your level of sick. Hang in there. If carbs weren't off the list I would send you chocolates. :)
ReplyDeleteGood luck Trav:) I hope Bec is feeling better soon.
ReplyDeleteOh. Dear. I've never heard of such bad symptoms! So sweet of you to pick up the slack and care for your wife, including her blog!
ReplyDeleteYup, been there. Puked a couple of dozen times a day for 10 months x2. You forgot question #12. Does the $10 a pill prescription anti nausea meds make you puke? Yeah, that was me.
ReplyDeleteHang in the Bec and Trav. I hope you are are back to normal (whatever that is) ASAP!! Keeping your family in my prayers!!
ReplyDeletePlease take care of your sweet wife and assure her that her followers will be here when she feels better. Baby #4 is the priority now and we need Bec feeling better soon. Whata sweet husband you are to take over her blog for the day.
ReplyDeleteSo sorry Bec is so sick- hope she is feeling better soon! Congrats on the pregnancy and blessings to you all and your growing family.
ReplyDeleteOh, this post made me tear up. What a sweet, wonderful, caring husband!!! Congratulations on the pregnancy and hope that Bec gets better soon. Best wishes to you all.
ReplyDeleteMy poor daughter in law had morning (24/7) sickness like that for at least 7 months of each of her pregnancies with her girls. She is now pregnant with a boy and was only that was for 4 months this time. At least she has super fast labors, she deserves some kind of break.
ReplyDeleteHoping Becci gets through this soon!
Yikes, typo, should say was only that WAY for 4 months....
ReplyDeleteOh the poor dear! I feel for her. And yes, I did have this kind of pregnancy, and while it did get a little better around the 5 month mark, I was sick the whole pregnancy. I went in the delivery room 22 pounds lighter than I was when I got pregnant, and my baby was nearly 9 pounds. It is so physically and emotionally draining, and I'll never forget it. Worth it for sure, my son is the joy of my life, but it sure was hell getting him here!
ReplyDeleteWell firstly, congratulations to both of you, on the imminent arrival and well done you for taking over the reins. I have never had kids so I have no idea what Bec is going through in any dimensions! It all sounds very unnatural! But good luck to all of you over the next few months.
ReplyDeleteI like you, Trav. I really like you :) Pass on a hug to Bec for me!
ReplyDeleteI feel for you both, it should be a happy time. I know when I was pregnant (my DH at sea for months)I had to move in with my mother on doctors advice because I was so sick from being nausea :-(
ReplyDeleteI hope she feels well soon! I respect you Trav for taking your part in this serious!!!
Trav this is so sweet of you and yes the workload is neverending!! Glad someone's husband finally knows this!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations to all the family and please send my love to Bec, this too shall pass
Hello Trav! Congratulations and thank you for writing because I have been so worried! I don't have children and I can't imagine how difficult that must be for Rebecca and you, too - feeling so sick all the time! I do hope that Rebecca is going to be better soon! Send her hugs and kisses - she is in my thoughts every day!
ReplyDeleteGood luck for both of you!
xxx Teje
Hi Trav nice to meet you! I am the one whom did her Jewel Quilt pattern and she told me you liked mine better than hers! he,he
ReplyDeleteShe is such a sweetheart and I hope she gets to feeling better REAL soon!! She is a WONDERFUL FRIEND:)
Congrats to you both!!!
Congratulations to both of you!!! I'm sorry that Rebecca is so sick :( I hope she starts feeling better soon!
Bless you both. One of my daughters had this with both pregnancies. It was so bad with the first, we were amazed she got pregnant again. She gave us two wonderful grandchildren, we're lucky, she's lucky and they're lucky.
ReplyDeleteThanks for updating us Trav, I've been missing Bec's blog posts! Keep taking care of your lovely wife - it sounds like you're doing a great job (but personally, I'd sack the naturopath!)
ReplyDeleteHope Bec starts to feel a little better soon :)
Oh gosh ~ First Trav ~ I'm going to talk to YOU! STOP kiling yourself trying to stay ahead of the dirt and messes. You will only wear yourself out. Once she's feeling better you can work on that stuff then and balance things a bit better. Right now you need to focus on keeping yourself strong, and taking care of Bec because you sure don't need to run yourself down and get sick.
ReplyDeleteBec ~ take care of yourself. I don't know if you've heard of them but they do make something called Preggie Pops and in some cases they will work quite well and other times they just take the edge off. I got them for the mother of my 1st grandchild after hearing all sorts of good things about them. I bought mine from Amazon but you can read about them from the company here https://www.threelollies.com/Default.aspx She had good luck most days with them and she was sick a lot.
VERY strange that while typing the above I got a text from the mother of our 3rd grandchild who is due in Feb 2012. She is in the class you are in and has been since day 1. She is now about 21 weeks. She's been in the ER three times now and the text I got just now was her saying she's at her doctor again right now and he may be sending her back to the ER again. ugh. She hasn't been able to keep anything down for the past 2 1/1 to 3 days. So yea, I TOTALLY understand where you are right now. Not to mention, *I* am part of your little club because years ago when I was pregnant I was sick like that ALL nine months; night and day for all three of my pregnancies. There's no other way to say it but it was pure HELL! I was sure I was never going to make it because it was c.o.n.s.t.a.n.t. ALL the time. I swear how I made it through it all I have no idea because I also had to work every day. I married a creep who chose to lay around drinking instead of keeping a job and helping do anything around the house was not part of his world. I'm very glad to see you have an awesome guy helping you. That helps your state of mind so much even if you're still getting sick.
BIG HUGS HON! YOU CAN DO THIS. And ya know, the next time (even though I'm sure you've already said you'll never do this again ever) you might not have any problems at all. Feel better and don't stress over the blog 'cause you don't need any added stress. Worry about staying as healthy as you can instead. That's the most important thing.
It may sound strange to congratulate you guys while Bec is so sick and Trav is so busy, but congratulations on the amazing news :-) both of you are doing such a wonderful, important job. I am 12 weeks pregnant with my first, and even though my morning sickness wasn't as bad as Bec's, my husband and I had a small taste of what you're going through.
ReplyDeleteBec, if you read this, please don't stress about neglecting your blog. I'm sure all of your fans are understanding - and excited for you! I hope you feel better soon, listen to your body and everyone else's advice can take a back seat!
oops. that got kinda long. Sorry.
ReplyDeleteFirstly, a HUGE Congrats to you both xx Bec, I dont know what to say as I never felt like that when pregnant but know I am sending you all the positive thoughts and best wishes that I can muster. Trav ...... Well done but remember not to over do it. Let's face it, the washing will still be there tomorrow!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations again xx
Bless you both.
ReplyDeleteWow Trav you can really blog! good job!
ReplyDeleteCongrats and we will be praying for you all.
A very beautifully written blog. You are an example to all husbands. I hope it eases for Bec very soon. In out thoughts and prayers.
ReplyDeleteGreat post Mr Chasing Cottons!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations to you both. Knowing what it's like to be having another baby after losing a baby, it's tough work mentally as well.
The physical side with the nausea is hard and mine was no where near as tough as yours. Take care of yourself and remember not to dehydrate. It's probably a silly suggestion but you can get Hydralite in an icy pole from the chemist, maybe you could give those a go.
Have you thought about hiring a cleaner? It certainly would help :)
Take care and all the best to you both during this next part of your journey. You will be in my thoughts.
I so hope that you get better soon. And lucky you, your husband sounds like such a great guy.
ReplyDeleteTrav, you sound like a wonderful husband, and I'm sure Bec appreciates how lucky she is - even if she doesn't feel lucky right now! Tell Bec she's in my prayers (you are too!) and I'll be praying for a healthy baby and for her to feel much better very soon!! Keep up the good work - there's a special place in heaven for wonderful hubbies like you!!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! I hope she's feeling better soon and managing to stay hydrated even with all the vomiting.
ReplyDeleteI had a really rough pregnancy with 24-7 "morning sickness" and random fainting, so I think I can relate to what she's going through a little. My husband was impressed that with all the vomiting during my pregnancy (until I switched my vitamins) that I only managed to vomit on two people. Totally disgusting, right? And yet, quite funny to anyone not involved in the incident it seems.
Congratulations - you all deserve this wonderful new life so much. (Pity it has to come with all this business before it!!) Please pass on my best wishes to Bec - she gives so generously in the online quilting community and I'm sure a lot of people are wishing her well now.
ReplyDeleteOooooo ... poor Bec! I, too, suffered just the same way with my first. Man, I was sick. You can add to the list, "missed one and a half months of work and for a few weeks while I was at work most of my time was spent sitting on the floor of a bathroom stall with my head near, over or in the toilet" and ... "lost 12 pounds and was about to be hospitalized". Fortunately, my sickness abruptly stopped around the 4 month mark and then I felt as great as I've felt in my whole life for the whole rest of my pregnancy and my beautiful daughter was and is just that. Beautiful. And healthy. I read that women who suffer morning sickness are more likely to have healthy babies so take comfort. And courage. Bec is so lucky to have your full support.
ReplyDeleteWell first off, congratulations! And secondly, I COMPLETELY understand. My pregnancies have been exactly the same. I almost find the term "morning sickness" insulting for its lack of proper definition of what I truly experienced. It never got better for me until a couple months after I had my baby. And I get easily nauseous for any reason now. Blah. Needless to say, I understand that the mere act of looking at a computer screen is difficult much less quilting and blogging.
ReplyDeleteWow, well done you for taking it all on, most guys wouldn't or just plain couldn't! Hope Becci feels well again v soon!
ReplyDeleteOh Trav, you're a gem for sure. I by no means want to take anything away from the horror that Bec is in at the moment, but I too had that kind of hideous sickness with my second child. We had to put our toddler in care as I literally could not move without puking. I hope it will pass soon for both of you (but feel free to keep up the laundry and cleaning, you know, for good karma). I will also tell you that the child that made me so sick came out smiling and hasn't stopped doing so for 13 years. Congratulations to all of you and hang in there!!
ReplyDeleteHey congratulations guys! Big {{hugs}} from me Bec I know how important this is for your family!! Hope you're feeling better soon and Trav if only more of the male species were more like you ;)
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! Take care Bec. See you when you are ready and feeling better. We will be here no matter when that is.
ReplyDeleteAww - what an awesome hubby!! Please give Bec a hug for me - I HAVE missed her! One of my girlfriends got sick like this with all 4 of her pregnancies. I would have quit after the first one!!
ReplyDeleteTell her to rest and we'll see her when she feels like she can get back to her normal routine!
Hugs ~~ Suz
Oh my gosh, I loved reading this post! no worries Bec!
ReplyDeleteUgh, I feel for her! I can answer "yes" to all 11 questions, so I can empathize! My first pregnancy, i was so dehydrated I was in and out of the Emergency Room for fluids. It got better after 4 months. Second and third pregnancies, pretty much the same without the ER trips. Fourth time around was much better for me. I could sorta have a life! Fifth was really bad. Sick from the day I got pregnant til the day I delivered, I actually lost 20 pounds in the first six months!
ReplyDeleteHow lucky she is to have to helping her.
I hope Bec is feeling a little better today. I thought I'd check back after my VERY wordy post last night to tell you what my son's fiancee finally found out at the ER last night. I'd mentioned she was on her way to the ER which she texted to me while I was typing a post to you here and it was one of many she's already done in her pregnancy for the same thing you're dealing with. This time they've finally given her a diagnosis and I thought since Bec is doing so bad as well that I'd at least come back to tell you too. If she continues she may want to ask her doctor about this as she may be dealing with the same thing.
ReplyDeleteIt is called Hyperemesis gravidarum
and you can read about it here with some things to try to see if it helps although I'd speak to your dr before starting the B6 just to be safe although I'm sure you would anyway:
I have missed you, Trav seems like a peach. Keeping you both in prayers. Dry saltine crackers by the bed, eaten before you move, is the only help I have ever heard of. I'll be here when you get back.Jill
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on the new addition! I'm sorry she's feeling so terrible :/ You have an amazing husband, Bec! You're all in my prayers :]
ReplyDelete-Erica :]
I'm happy to hear you have a new baby on the way. Sorry to hear Bec is so sick. What a good husband you are, I'm glad you appreciate your wife. It will all be worth it in the end!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the pregnancy. Praying that Bec gets some relief from the vomiting and that bub arrives safe and sound next year.
ReplyDeleteHi Bec & Travis,
ReplyDeleteFirstly Congratulations and Please don't feel bad about not feeling up to blogging - we will be here when you are better.
Secondly I too am a member of the club... if it can be called a club (normally people want to join a club, not this one though). My doctor gave me the same diagnosis as Vicki's daughter in law. Hyperemesis gravidarum. Basically from what I understand it amounts to being allergic to the pregancy hormones, which my body as a bonus produced at twin levels for my single baby pregnancy. I had multiple trips to hospital for IV fluids (the longest stay being a week). The expensive waffer prescription meds didn't help. My worst low was the night when my family had all gone out for my sisters birthday dinner (at my insistance) and a Dr at the hospital told me I should prepare myself for having to terminate the pregnancy. I was devistated but I was determined that I had not fought so hard to give up. I didn't and I have a beautiful daughter who almost killed me in the delivery suit to boot. And still I am talking about not letting her be an only child. I am inspired by Bec's courage going back for number 4.
Bec there is nothing I can say - and I know you won't be up to reading this till it is over any way. My thoughts and prayers are with your family. Anyone who says being a parent is easy has never done it.
I hope you're hanging in there and congratulations on the new baby!!! What a wonderful husband you have and I'll we'll be here when you're feeling better. :) I'll be thinking of you in the meantime. ~Jessica
ReplyDeleteHang in there! I can answer yes to many of the questions. Another one is "do you select your food based on how it feels coming back up?"
ReplyDeleteWishing the best to all of you during this time.
We are all thinking about you and hoping you have some relief very soon. Yay, for a supportive husband who is able to carry some of your load. Best wishes.
ReplyDeleteTell Bec we love her and will be here for her when she is ready. Congratulations and Hooray for you helping out so much!
ReplyDeleteLovely to hear that you are both pregnant again, not so lovely to hear of the nausea!! Thankyou for the graphic insight Trav! Love you all big time, and sending prayers for health and happiness....cherrie
Firstly - Trav, you're a legend; God bless you abundantly!
ReplyDeleteSecondly, but no less important - Bec, you're in my thoughts and prayers. My DD was sick throughout both her pregnances and couldn't even keep water down. At the end of her first pregnancy she was two dress sizes smaller, so I have some idea of what it must be like for you.
congrats on the pregnancy. Hope the morning sickness passes.
ReplyDeleteCan I suggest there probably isn't any need for a naturopath, maybe you should just be eating what your body tells you to. The human body is amazing at actually working out what it needs. Good luck
Congrats on the pregnancy! I completely understand how Bec feels! I was able to answer yes to all 11 questions, plus add in a couple of hospital visits for dehydration. I really hope she feels better soon. And Trav, you sound like an amazing husband.
ReplyDeleteGood for you Trav. I've been blessed with a wonderful husband like you, he helps all the time and is a blessing in my life. I didn't know Bec was pregnant!!!! Yay, we just found out we're pregnant too and it's less than 10weeks likely. YES, being sick is aweful, it drains EVERY oz of energy but I have not graduated to Bec's level of sickness.... I wish you all the best in your journey and hopefully it's only the first trimester! God bless!!!!
ReplyDeleteHope she feels better soon! I think its great that you are helping her post and expressing your appreciation for what she does daily!
ReplyDeleteOMG Trav - thanks for the post which if it wasn't for Bec being so ill would be funny ! I'm so glad you're helping out and getting things done - sounds like Bec is in very good hands - keep up the good work and hope Bec is up and about soon - I'm sure all the blog love will cheer her up - if only a fraction :)
ReplyDeleteOh Trav, you're a gem. I hope your wonderful wife feels more herself sooner rather than later, it's sounds horrific! We'll all be waiting for her return x
ReplyDeleteMy prayers are with you all. I experienced much the same. During the first pregnancy it was as bad and I only lost 17 lbs the first trimester but for the 2nd baby I went to the hospital every 3 days for IV fluids and was even hospitalized and had a feeding tube put for 12 days. That was pretty much the time my husband said no more kids for us.
ReplyDeleteumm yes unfortunately i too was in this category.i lost 15 lb. i was pregnant with twins we found out.but thats another story. best wishes and sympathy for your poor wife. xoxo
ReplyDeleteHi Bec, I've been thinking of you - I hope things are starting to pick up!
ReplyDeleteI've just stumbled across your blog and read this post - did your husband really write this? Did you have to bribe him? If not you have a gem...hope you feel well soon and at least the long term results are totally worthwhile!
ReplyDeleteYou are blessed... both of you! Wishing you a safe, happy pregnancy. Congratulations!
ReplyDeletehahahahaah! trav ur hilarious. i love u guys.
ReplyDeletelove ede xxx
You are a gem, Trav, and I'm sure Bec knows all you do for her. Take heart! Things will get better. I send my heartfelt wishes of joy and health to you and Bec. And congratulations!
ReplyDeleteI hope all things are going better for Bec and your fam. I can even start to imagine what she's going through. I never got sick during my pregnancy. I took her quilt 101 class and just wanted to tell her I've FINALLY basted it! LOL I thing the next few steps will be a lot funner to do than that was! Let her know we, out here in blogland, love to hear from her and are thinking about her always :)
ReplyDeleteOh gosh, this is adorable on his part!
ReplyDeleteI would like to thank you for the efforts you have put in
ReplyDeletewriting this website. I really hope to view the same high-grade blog posts by you later
on as well. In fact, your creative writing abilities has motivated me to get my very own blog now ;)
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