More Fabric...?? Yep Ive been shopping again... This time from
Take a looksy!
This "Children at Play" Fat Quarter Bundle by Sarah Jane for Michael Miller Fabrics.
My baby boy is due May 16th. In May, it will be getting cooler for us here in Australia as we head into winter... so I really wanted to find a cute boy fabric in a flannel.... This is perfect! I LOVE this range! I'm thinking of a new quilt design?? Maybe kites? or I do love the "Kites in the Clouds Quilt" that Ashley from Film in the Fridge made... so maybe something similar to that one?? or Maybe Rockets???
mmm decisions...
I couldn't go past grabbing a little of Annela Hoey's Little Apples Range with these cute turtles. Paired up with some fabric from my stash.
These cute "Get Together Navy Squirrels" By David Walker..
My Chevron and Michael Miller Dumb Dots.... with the New "Backyard Baby" by Patty Sloniger
More Michael Miller Dumb Dot with a charm pack... Cape Ann for Oliver + S.
I LOVE Fabric shopping.... and believe it or not... I actually have a few baby projects finished...Ill show you soon!
and FYI....
The Fat Quarter Shop have just launched their 5th annual Designer Mystery Block of the Month Quilt Club. This sampler quilt features 12 wonderful blocks from Moda designers such as....
Aneela Hoey, Blackbird Designs, Bonnie & Camille, Bunny Hill Designs, Cosmo Cricket, Fig Tree Quilts, Me & My Sister Designs, Kate Spain, Minick & Simpson, Pieces from My Heart, Primitive Gatherings and Sweetwater.
features the Vintage Modern collection by Bonnie and Camille...
Looks like Fun!!! For more info.... You can read more about it HERE
Happy Sewing...
Oh... and...
I'm clearing out my cupboards to make some room for some new Quilts... So if you wanna buy any of these???
You can find them HERE
Thank you!! xx